On December 6th, the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce held a joint meeting of the Cybersecurity Council and Military Affairs Council. The joint meeting featured a keynote address by Col. Stacy Kihara, Commander of the National Security Agency’s Texas Cryptologic Center, which is located in the Alamo City.  Cybersecurity Council Chair Larry Hurtado, EVP and Managing Director with QNext, and Military Affairs Council Chair Rick Crider, EVP Airport Railport & Military Relations with Port San Antonio, also welcomed Greater San Antonio Chamber member GTS technologies for the joint session’s member spotlight briefing. Danna Stedman discussed the GTS offerings in IT and cybersecurity staffing, servicing, and solutions in both San Antonio and Austin.

The group also welcomed Gregg Smith, who was visiting with Greater San Antonio Chamber Member McFalls and Associates.  Gregg is the lead at what was once Dreamport, now The Link, a project that is designed as an open facility that welcomes the public to tour, collaborate, and prototype in support of USCYBERCOM and its mission partners. At the end of the meeting, both Councils wished Larry and Rick well as they ended their service as chairs of their respective councils.  Their leadership has been exemplary and made a huge impact on our community and we are thankful for their guidance this past year.